Active ingredients are essential functional and marketing elements to the cosmetics industry.

We base our development program on a flexible and creative product. All our products are environmentally friendly, made from natural raw materials and sustainable products.


The innovative line ChemAct offers multiple solutions; we create exclusive and unique projects, so the final client gets complete satisfaction with it. We are in a global and changeable industry requiring special format and solutions. For some companies, this becomes a “non-commercially viable” point.



CHEMCOSMETICS, supported by an excellent technical team, offers the possibility to adjust sizes to the needs of every project: (80ml, 250ml, 1000ml).

Nature inspires us when creating ingredients, now it is the time to inspire you when creating products.


Office and Warehouse: Can Negoci, 22 . P.I. Can Negoci . 08310 . Argentona . Barcelona
Tel. + 34 93 388 10 30 . Fax. + 34 93 796 38 50 . .
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